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This is officially the latest i've ever been with a "friday ramble". It's the... wednesday friday ramble??

I'm sorry! I'm too busy making game. and doing secret santa stuff. and maybe a combination of the two.

for all this time i'm putting into it, you'd think this game would be good.

well... i'm pretty proud of how it's coming along, but it's also still really short and the story is, like i said before, basically a big ol' shitpost, but I'm learning a lot still and it's a nice portfolio piece for, uh, releasing a game with mediocre story and art and coding and free public domain music. 

Also, I spent basically all of today stuck in traffic at the mall after buying last minute Christmas presents and then spent the rest of the day banging my head against a stupid code thing that ended up being really easy to fix, but that took away all the time I had planned for other more important things like "making the parts with Tiger chan in my game about Tiger chan". Anyway, I finally sent a build for playtesting to my rl friendo who will tell me the game is boring and has too much text. i think my next game will be less "visual novel" and more "some fun genre game with fast paced gameplay with visual novel elements". assuming i can somehow support myself with video games, that is.

I'll just shut up and post some screenshots, except for the secret stuff i can't show anyone yet.

Not shown: The very cool talking and blinking animations I finally added that work perfectly now.

Re-reading this post I sound a lot crankier and more self-deprecating than I actually am, so I'll just re-iterate that I'm actually really proud of what I've done so far. But I'm also tempering any expectations ;-)

Anyway, soon my family will be here for Christmas stuff, and I'm sure you're all also busy with various holiday stuff too. I'll be back next week, hopefully with something cooler to share.

Thank you for your support, as always!


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