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I finished this earlier today and because I don't have the patience to wait until a reasonable time to post (generally Monday morning for the usual time), I posted it immediately after I was done. So I'm also posting it here now.

I've also included the full size sheet that Penny is drawing, which was not "pixelified" to give it a style difference to better sell that Penny is doodling it. Fun fact I think this is the most drawings of characters I've put into a single piece, which I guess means I'm doing these a lot faster now. (like, say in 2019, each Tiger-chan would have taken like 4 days each lol)

This comic reveals what some people have been suspecting with previous Tiger-chan draws -- Penny based her OC on her coworker Whiskey! I think it's a fun way to tie together Tiger-chan with the general Endless Monday universe, while also giving me an excuse to draw Whiskey again.

I love Tiger-chan because she was a throwaway character that I didn't really care that much about, so I could just draw her doing whatever, whenever I didn't have anything else to draw storywise. Also, silly, but also the reduced pressure of drawing her good because canonically it's Penny drawing all the Tiger-chan pics. But now that I've drawn her too much and she's become entangled in the overall Endless Monday universe, I've grown attached! Oh no! Anyway, I think this is gonna be the last of the Tiger-chan draws for the time being. While it was fun, I want to start drawing my usual cast again, and I think it's a good segway into drawing Penny and Whiskey a bit, whom I've neglected for a long time.

Anyway, thank you for your support!



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