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Just wanting to see what y'all would be interested in?? More patreon streams? more YCH's? Themed commissions?

Also would y'all like polls for my monthly personal projects for which OC's/fanart characters you'd love to see me draw? :D I kind of want to find a way to make this more interactive and fun! :D

-- Kii 


Raven Kyotani

Ych and theme stuff and polls !


Themed commissions!! Polls would be nice but honestly you do you for them personal projects Bee <3

Honeythief art

Yeah! I love YCH's and was already thinking of doing a summer/shark week theme series of ychs for yall *w *

Honeythief art

yesss! I love just picking one of my OCs to doodle any given day, but it's also hard for me to gauge which OCs people are really wanting to see x3