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While this month's poll is running, it seems like a good time to share these illustrations I did for "Vanilla Extract" A Vanillaware zine. The initial sales went to charity, but now it has been permitted to reveal the content online. Before I post a lower res version online, I figure I could post a higher resolution version on Patreon, plus details and variants!

I'm a huge fan of Odin Sphere, so it was a great pleasure to put something together for that, plus I've been meaning to finish this Amazon piece from the earlier set for quite some time, so I'm glad to have an opportunity to do that as well.

By the way, if you want to see the full zine, check out this link! 





Never played odin sphere, but always loved the character design! Especially Gwendolyn 😍 Speaking of which, have you seen that new Gwendolyn Figure? It looks soo good


Oh SHOOT a new Gwendolyn figure! I Thought you were talking about her dress version, but wow didn't realize there was a new one- it looks pretty nice!


is Vanillaware still making games? I miss them =P


I hope so! I guess 13 Sentinels was the most recent one?