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It's No(nstop!?) Nutember !! No Nut in the poll, but I guess he's there!? Or is he?? Make up your mind! An excuse for a Bride of En themed poll for this month~

This will be a bit of a short pole (lol) as I want to get the image started a bit sooner.

 The middle part of this month is a block of conventions (Kumori Con and Designer Con) so I want to make as much progress as possible~

I'll run the poll until November 4, Friday 11:59 PM PST!

The three main heroines from my saucy swords and sorcery story, Bride of En are the main choices for this month's poll~

Freya, strong, foolhardy and oddly optimistic despite the troubles she's been through. She was once the captain of a ship, but her second mate led a mutiny and the crew left her as a sacrifice to En. Somehow managing to escape, Freya is on the run, but also seeking out her former crew to understand why they betrayed her.

Devana, a sassy punk who doesn't care much for people, and is much more interested in beasts and creatures. She'll do anything to make sure her familiar, Licks, is happy.

Ishtar, stoic and mysterious assassin who doesn't communicate with the group much, but is on a quest to stop the chaos god En. In addition to fighting skills, uses a form of magic that is dependent on aroma, a sort of aromancy, via her scented veil.

Nut, the former apprentice an evil wizard's, who left his master to join Freya on her quest. He is frazzled, neurotic, and easily distracted, but still trying to learn magic. Ends up basically becoming Freya's sidekick / squire.

Click on the Bride of En tag to see more from this concept~



Couldn't turn down the pun / wordplay opportunity haha~ and also yea just curious to see how this one turns out !