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  • 210421_ipad_nights_knight_wick_witch_legs_spread_pinup_update_process_video.mp4
  • 210525_ipad_wick_witch_pinup_sexy_arch_laid_down_candle_flame_writing_light_update_process_video.mp4
  • 210525_ipad_wick_witch_pinup_sexy_top_view_laid_down_hat_off_candles_update_process_video.mp4
  • 210525_ipad_wick_witch_pinup_sexy_blowout_candle_flame_update_process_video.mp4
  • 200902_wick_witch_candelabra_illustration_update_process_video.MP4
  • 220123_ipad_christmas_holiday_lingerie_wick_witch_process_video.mp4
  • 221028_wick_witch_pinup_pose_sticker_design_process_video.mp4



Here is the rest of the image set. Looks like more than her wax coat has melted off!

Also, the PSD of the image.

And, while I don't have a process video for the illustration this month, I realized I hadn't posted the process video for this earlier illustration before, plus the process videos for some of the other sketches I posted earlier~




That set is amazing!!! Big fan of the use of the wax too! Wick witch also has a very lovely design overall :3


she's gorgeous!


Thanks! I'm glad that the bonus set is well received! Wax is fun to draw haha- it can be whatever shape it needs to be and can certainly have it's own merits and implications haha~ And thanks, she's the most fun character to draw from this idea, despite not being the main character, technically LOL. Though I guess I could adjust the story accordingly anyway. Probably should, honestly lol


Oh damn! Well I’m excited to see her place in the story! I’ve been having similar struggles to so I definitely get that. It’ll be interesting seeing how she interacts with the others and what kind of games she plays :3


Im just in awe every time I see alts and extras because I could probably never have myself to do something similar. Takes a lot of work. haha Every time! So good, Alex.


And those reasons alone (not to mention these idea sketches!) makes it worth subscribing to da visionary tier




Thanks! I'm glad you like the alts, I end up spending an extra couple of days putting them in, sometimes the final combination count ends up a bit overboard, but hopefully its nice m(_)m I hope it helps make the Visionary tier worth it! m(_)m