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Thank you to everyone who voted! Wick Witch is the winner for this month's poll. Here are the WIP/sketches I have for her. I will most likely work on the first one here ~ but I'll also try to do a couple of the others if time permits.




I love her design a lot I need to get around to drawing her


I'm just curious, I notice your sketches look like they're on paper. Do all your pieces begin as paper sketches? Or do you just use it to jot down ideas?


out of all your OCs, she is possibly my favourite


ok yeah I got nothing clever, she is simply hot.


Ooh~! that would be sweet if you are able to get around to that !


Oh yeah, the later half of this set is on paper- I still enjoy drawing on paper from time to time, I can "think" easier on it, somehow. But in terms of taking it to illustration, I tend to do a lot of sketching on the ipad as well (the first half of this set is a lot of ipad sketches) - I guess paper ones tend to be like "practice" / "note taking" in a way, lately. Sometimes those are carried into full drawing. Occationally I try to do as much of the drawing on paper and add color later, but not as often.


Aw, thanks! I should try to draw her more often- it's funny, in the idea that she's in, she's not even the main character, but I like drawing her more haha ! Maybe I should adjust the story in some way lol~


She IS the hot one of the group, so I think that's something pretty wicked clever you just did there haha


I guess my comment wasn't just a candle in the wind after all