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For your viewing convenience, here are some of the WIPs I have for each character, put together into an image post~

Wonder Woman

I actually have two separate sequential/comics of Wonder Woman, plus several other images / image-series- so if she gets chosen, I may spend some time further developing those~


Teacher Pets ! I ended up having fun doing a bunch of sketches of Midnight, with special guest appearance too- you might see more of that if she gets chosen- I got pretty close to considering a sequential in similar spirit to the Wonder Woman ones, so that might be something to factor in~

Sonya Blade

I also have a sequential for Sonya Blade! There's something fun about the relative simplicity of the original MK designs +being live action, I'm not too concerned with getting exact likeness, and the cheesiness of it kind of allows for a bit of freedom, in some ways. Anyway, this is another one that may have a comic involved if Sonya gets picked.

Ryuko Matoi

I don't have too many for Ryuko, but I might dabble in drawing more of her if she gets picked. Here are the ones I have so far, though !

Fujiko Mine 

Fujiko has won several polls, but I certainly wouldn't mind drawing her again. A lot of the WIPs I have of her play more into her femme fatale element, but got a handful of peril ones too- and I haven't done a proper tickle one yet- so that's something to consider as a likely possibility if she gets chosen. :0


Now on to the original character section of the choices! Bikini-armor badass Freya, always finding her and her crew in danger! Bride of En has a bit of that swords and sorcery kind of vibe to it's fantasy peril.


This cocky roach is a real thrillseeker, always diving head first into danger, but often finds herself in too deep! A lot of the peril images I have of her involve this outfit this time around, as she tries to bust heads at the bar!

Bae Wulf

Is it an underdog charm, or an air of fear, desperation, and subconscious submissiveness!? Whether she's Bae Wulf, the hero, or the escaped convict Holly Wolf, Heather Whitefur has had it rough for her career in the UMA, often up against formidable opponents who either are just better than her, or may even have sadistic tendencies. (Or in the case of Maki, just dang RUDE)

Brave Buster Maylgeiz

Before she became the gazer girlboss, Maylgeiz was the magical bikini herione Brave Buster Maylgeiz ! She's been through many adventures and has overcome (or rather, been overwhelmed by-) many obstacles and opponents along the way. Using the spirit of bravery, Bravalore, who imbues her with magical armor, she fights the evils of the land for justice, learning along the way that good and evil can come from anywhere at any time...

I have the most WIPs for this one, actually- I guess it's similar to Bride of En and Freya, being bikini armor, but this one being a bit more fantastical and slightly cartoonier, it's a bit easier to do more with her. Both are fun, and there are actually a few cross-over pics, but I enjoy drawing Maylgeiz from time to time~


Kitschy, pulpy, sci-fi horror vibes- the Frauleinstein setting also has a lot of potential WIPs. Often having to escape from the various experiments and dangers of the island, Frauleinstein is often cornered by nefarious creatures, including the mysterious alien artifact deep within the castle. Helping her is the hero Speed Eagle, but to what extent can she protect Frauleinstein, if she finds herself in danger as well!? (I didn't include Speed Eagle in this specific set just to keep it under some sort of control, but I may share some of those as well if Frauleinstein wins)




The Ryuuko one looks like the most interesting one composition wise, but I won't say no tot any of these...and wouldn't say no with things going riskier because your art does tick some boxes XD

D. A. Campisi

We need some MK Mileena art from you at some point. ;)


These look great!!! Love that Sonya


Who's that grabbing a hold of Ishtar?


This is why I subbed


Oho~ I'm glad to hear that it hits well haha~ And yeah actually I wasn't sure if I picked the best representations of the WIPs for some of these! But the Ryuko ones were pretty straight forward, as those were the ones I had. I think it'll be fun to put together! But I'll see about showing off more of the other choices as well. Very likely will do a similarly themed poll to revisit these WIPs in the future, anyway~!


Aha, she'd be fun to draw! I like the more retro versions of her / Kitana / Jade / etc's outfits, but also just toothy monster girl action would be a lot of fun anyway, yes :0


Thanks! I might post more of the Sonya stuff I have- I actually had an entire comic- it's kind of in a very rough stage, being a WIP and all, but if she had won, I'd probably continue work on it more, for example.


Oh yes, that is a master of binding magic known as the Shacklemancer, he's restrained all of them with his magic chain spells~


Nice ! Yeah, it's always cool to hear what you'd be interested in, so I can adjust accordingly. There were a lot of WIPs that I want to revisit from here, so I may run a similar poll to this in the near future in general~


Oho he looks to be a serious threat to their trio