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Here's the completed Fujiko illustration + variations. Had a lot of fun putting this one together, might have gone a bit overboard with variants. Technically, I could have done way more combinations based on what I had, but tried to keep it semi chronological to help keep it under control lol.

Anyway, I wanted to do some blouse/lingerie/ an excuse to use St. Louis's dress in some form, so put that all in there too lol.

I'll still try to do the other Fujiko drawings at some point, but I might have to do that later on~

EDIT: also, here are zip files for convenience m(_)m




Whew, that's some fine Mine


Wow so many variants 😳. The sparkly dress look amazing woahhh! My fav is prob the office lady look. Button ups trying to conceal some pretty sizable hmm hmms 😳😳. Really gj with these Alex ❤️👌

Sir Dodger

This is beyond amazing. Absolutely love this, my fav is def the office attire as well🤯😍🤩 cat suit AND sexy office lady?! Incredible job 🙌🏾🙏🏾


B L E S S okay, i have to upgrade my tier for this one, it's too good not to have the exxxtra spicy stuff


haha! glad you like it- I couldn't resist an excuse to put her in a couple of extra outfits for this one m(_)m


I like a tight blouse, it's fun! glad to hear similar sentiments ! thanks! m(_)m


haha, you can see what happens next ! is she able to escape from this trap !?