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My schedule got a bit turned around this past week, so I've had to juggle and rearrange my task list a little bit, and there's a slight delay on the Fujiko content. I'll have more of that to show by next week!

In the meantime, I figure I could share some original character content, as it's been a while since the last time I've shared original work on here. I was supposed to post this last month as part of the bikini armor theme, but I got lost in the amazon haha. So I guess this is a follow up for that!

Set in a dark world of swords and sorcery during an age of rising chaos and war, Bride of En is about Freya and her perilous quest to find her friend and former second-mate, Greiv, while avoiding the nefarious forces of the chaos god En. She is a barbarian warrior who once led a merry band of misfits across the sea, until they betrayed and offered her to the chaos god En, in exchange for En's blessings. 

En took a particular liking to Freya, and wants to make her his next queen. She managed to escape, but now is on the run. Convinced that there was more to these events than what  seems to be, she goes out on a quest to find and talk to Greiv. Along the way, she runs into many different friends, enemies, challenges, and dangers. It is a dark and jaded world, but Freya will pierce through it like a ray of hope among stormy clouds. Or so one hopes. It is a treacherous journey ahead, and Freya may find herself vulnerable to many of En's dark and twisted intentions.

I was drawing these characters last year as a way to think about the idea as well as character design practice in general. I haven't touched it much since making this lineup, so my notes are a little bit rusty. Also, you can see that a lot of the character's don't even have names quite yet, aside from the main ones.

It's interesting looking at these designs again. It'd certainly be the kind of situation where some may not be needed, or play a relatively minor role. Or designs may need to be revisited and streamlined. Testing the character designs in action is certainly part of the process, of which some of these haven't gone through that quite yet and would need refining.

Plus, I probably won't touch this for a while, as I wanted to focus on some other projects first. I figured for last month's theme (and I guess for today, as something to post on Patreon) it would be a neat thing to share.

Check out the Bride of En tag to see more content ~!









Wow, I'm really liking this world for these OCs you've made and might I add that your character designs are on point my man! I'd say my fav 2 character designs would probably be "Lodestone axes" and "Younger daughter". Also "The barbarian" reminds me of Nathan from metalocalypse lol


These are amazing !!!!!


I like that trio of antagonists - shacklemancer, ishtar's brother, and the fencer - a lot!


always thought this setting had great potential. I love seeing more of it

D. A. Campisi

These all look great. :)

Deep Chasm

Necromancer is metal as fuck. I love it.


character DESIGNS geez 🤯❤


oh yes, I think her name may be Lodessa, some of these I might have been closer to a name than others, but it's been a while since I poked at the idea/notes haha. But I'm glad you like the designs! . Ahah and yeah, he does kind of have that look with that hairstyle lol!


Cool, cool- they might not necessarily be a team, but I also haven't quite figured out all of the group compositions, some of them are just individual antagonists that may show up across the adventure in general.


Thanks! Glad to hear it! I have some notes and other sketches and drawings- I'll post more in the future as well. m(_)m


Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I'll try to delve into the world building a bit more in general too.


Thanks! m(_)m I like drawing gory/zombie/gruesome / monster stuff in general, so is a fun excuse for that too oho


Glad you like! Do you happen to have a favorite or are curious about any of them in particular?


m(__)m oho I remember you were saying that you like seeing the OC stuff, glad you diggin' it. It's been a while since I've revisited this setting, I suppose oho.


oh yeah the younger daughter is a bit of a trashy character, also has a bit of an anachronistic vibe to her and likes trolling lol


think i like treasure hunter the most cute and good hair uwu. But judging by the crusaders desc. she didnt survive the attack on "the garden"?


haha she does have the kind of hairstyle you seem to diggg the most, makes sense lol. Oh and I realize that the way it's written can be misleading lol- the crusader character came in with a team of similarly uniformed soldiers, but was the last to survive and ends up joining with that other crew, is what I'd imagine.


sweeet, glad to hear ! I'll try to post more too, I have a few sketches for those characters around~