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Thank you to everyone who sent a reply in the previous post with your write-in choice for this month's poll! It was very interesting to see what suggestions came up when given free reign.

Here are the suggestions that came in. Hopefully the formatting of this post doesn't get all messed up.

A "!" next to it means that exact request got another vote. Indented entries ">" means it fits in a category, and gets a vote due to being in that category. 

A handful of these entries I have some stuff for from before! I'll gather those up at least for a post, haha. Though to be honest, a lot of these sound like great potential future entries, even if it doesn't make the cut this time. I think that's kind of a nice side effect of doing an open ended poll like this, it helps me get a better sense of what y'all would like to see.


Sakura vs Akira


> ! SNK Girls

>> KOF

>>> B. Jenet

>>> Shermie

>>> King

>>> Luong 

!! Christmas themed 

!! Palutena 

Gwynevere Princess of Sunlight 

Allenby Beardsley (G Gundam)


Velvet (Odin Sphere)

D. Va (Overwatch)

Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)

! Skullgirls

> Parasoul

> D. Violet (vs Fallout)

Monster Prom

! Maki and Rosemary (tag team super)

Rouge the Bat 

Gundam Thunderbolt

Goddess Sophia (FF 14)

Shiki (The World Ends With You)

Garnet (FFIX)

Hsien-Ko & Mei-Ling

Dark Magician Girl

Midna (imp form) 

My Hero Academia

> Bubble Girl

Dot Warner  

Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)  


Demon Slayer

> Tanjiro and Nezuko

> Mitsuri


With category voting in mind, the top results end up being:

B. Jenet (5)

Shermie (5)

King (5)

Luong (5)

Christmas theme (3)

Palutena (3)

Parasoul (3)

D. Violet vs Fallout (3)


Since it's a 4-way tie, I'll probably do something to do a tie-breaker and will vote for

B. Jenet!  as the winner!

However, I might just also skew it towards KOF something in general, especially since KOF 15 finally got announced that it will be announced !

I'll post more images soon. Thanks again everyone who voted. I'm always curious what people would like to see or are into, feel free to let me know in general!



Ah well, can't say I didn't try! Looking forward to the finished piece! There are a lot of great recommendations here.