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Whew! Ok this one took a bit longer, since a lot of them were scenes. Also, kept trying to draw ideas that came to mind, even if they didn't have Tifa in them. 

For the sake of keeping on the subject, I only posted the ones that focus on Tifa or have her in it, but once I finish the main image, I'll see what extra bonus pics I can do.

I think I'm leaning towards a few certain ones in this set, but I always like hearing your opinion! Which do you prefer?




The 02's, 14's, and the 15 images are really eye-catching to me! I would go with one of those.


03 is definitely a real winner! 11 and 12 are also great ones to take to finish.


I'm putting my vote in for 10 and 12


I love all the honey bee ones I can’t help it 😫😫 but I really like the one with tifas different dresses too!


love the commentary on the pictures


so cute!