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Here's this month's poll. Rather than specific characters, I'm listing a bunch of elements I wanted to draw in some form or another regarding Final Fantasy 7! So, I figured, I'll list a whole bunch of topics related to that and see what comes to the top. It's a sort of controlled wild card, I suppose. 

The poll will last till Friday. You can also select multiple choices, I believe. At least, that's how it should be set up. Let's see what comes out!  

Whoa, there is a maximum amount of poll options. Well, this is more than enough anyway, it'll be interesting to see what people lean towards. Feel free to chime in any specifics too, I'm curious what's on people's minds lol.


AJ Ferolie

I would have voted for Yuffie if it was possible


no yuffie smh my head


I can only hope that my votes for "Honey Bee Inn" and "Tonberry" are combined into a single entity.


Putting extra votes in comments for Jessie and Yuffie