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In contrast to last month's company / fanart themed poll, this one is focused on original characters.

For this month in general, I will try to focus more on original content, so you may see elements of all of these ideas in one form or another.

The poll is primarily for an illustration themed around one of these ideas, but I will probably also be spending the time to develop and/or showcase the idea further. Plus, it kind of gives me a sense of what idea people are more interested in as well.

Sorry about the delay in putting up this month's poll. The image is a custom one, so I was putting that together.

Here are some descriptions of these ideas / characters more specifically:


 R.A.D.D. Roach : A dystopian, post apocalyptic world of mutants and monsters, Fallout is a cockroach mutant lady who wanders the land, regularly running into trouble and adventure. A bit of a self-indulgent project, the tone could possibly go in many different directions, but with a general focus on action and fanservice.  


Maki and Rosemary (story title pending) : Monster schoolgirls slice of life stories. And then wrestling !!! Somehow!  


Vulcan Heel : This is an idea from a while ago. The story follows Marin in a war-torn, cyberpunk setting.  Along with her allies, they combat an evil corporation who has captured Nanocyst, a friend of theirs with a dangerous and mysterious ability.  


Jackal and Scout (story title pending) : Space pirates! In a search for the Ultimate Treasure. 


 Bride of En : Freya was once the captain of a crew of raiders, but after a mutiny, they left her as a sacrifice to the chaos god "En." Somehow, she manages to escape En's trap and is now on a quest to find her former first mate and learn why he betrayed her. She runs into other allies who have a vendetta against En, as the adventure slowly turns into a war against the chaos god itself. A swords and sorcery fantasy setting with erotic overtones and action.


Stitchman : Another idea from back in highschool, this yarn follows the exploits of Stitchman.  More than he seams, he is a superhero who wields the power of uncanny sewing with pin-point accuracy.  


Night's Knight : The quaint and mysterious town of Oddwood has a history with witches. As a result, the craft had been banned. Hazel Sonata and her school friends run a secret witchcraft club, but make sure to keep a low profile. However, when an underground coven brews trouble in the town, it is up to Hazel as the Knight Witch to stop their ominous plans. (Also, here is Wick Witch, who I like to draw a lot.  While she's technically on the bad guy's side, not all is as it seems...!) 


Let me know which you'd like to see! I may make this a quick poll, so I can get started asap. 

Also, I'll post more about each of these ideas and other ideas in general this month. Thanks for your interest and support !!! m(_)m



This should be interesting no matter who is chosen!


Well my choice was made for me once I read the words monster schoolgirls.


I like to see more in Bride of En


this one's really hard;; ;