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EDIT: I updated/ polished up a few parts of the illustration- though instead of swapping out the old ones, decided to just add them in here. 

Do you have a preference between these variants?


Happy Halloween!

Here is the first of the two Darkstalkers illustrations. This is the one for Hsien-ko, with a variant.

Wanted to try something cute for this one, I hope y'all like it! m(_)m

I'll post the WIP sketches / process and PSD in future update.

I'm working on the BB Hood vs Morrigan one currently too, and will show that soon.

As a general note, my goal for the Patreon is to update weekly, so expect an average of about 4 or so updates per month. I'll try to do more than 4, but that might be the frequency I'll aim for. Feel free to let me know if this seems like an issue.

And while I am doing several illustrations this month, it is because I'm catching up to the amount I'm supposed to be at. On average, it is one per month, as the goal for the second has never been reached, if there is any misunderstandings on that. The Patreon is one of my sources of income, but not my main one, as I do several freelance and commission tasks at the same time.

Anyway, hopefully that clears up any confusions, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thanks as always, I appreciate the support! m(_)m




Thank you! I love this girl! You always make everything look good. I bet you would make Hellboy look good too! Hope you have a good Halloween man!


Did a small update to the illustration! Not sure if everyone got the notification of the update, but just a heads up in general~


Oh, maybe I'll try adding Hellboy and/or some other comic characters to a future poll. He would be pretty fun to work on. And thanks! Hope you had a good one too!