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Hey everyone! It's been a fair bit!

I'll admit, there have been some rather regrettable setbacks on these first few months of 2022 which kinda threw a monkeywrench into my more normal pace (it's been a mixture of health issues and some economic problems on a kind of... national level... I don't want to bore you with the topic, though, we ain't here for that), but I'm trying to slowly get back on top of things as I sketch and practice something more free-styled and casual (mostly to keep the pulse rolling).

HOWEVER, what is owed is owed, of course, and I'm still on track to work for our last VIP winner (Dashie). I'm just arguing with myself as to how to go about it. I don't want to force out a piece I'm not feeling just to get my targets met and forget about it. I honestly want to give you my best whenever I can, SPECIALLY on these VIP pieces, soooo... While I mull on that, though... Why don't we open up June's discussion early? That way we have all we need for the next VIP poll (which will probably open around the 5th of June, as the original schedule went), and by doing this a bit earlier, I'll have a better chance to catch up!

June's VIP theme's gonna be: TECHNOLOGY

This one is a little... Vague, I know. It's up for interpretation, mostly. I want character proposals that may fall into this category, from all angles considerable. It could be some kind of scientist-y character, a mech technician, a cyborg, a cyberpunk kinda character, you name it. As long as there's a "heavy" connection between your proposed character and the concept of "technology" (be it applied to themselves, or externally, or whatever you can think of), it counts!

Any character from any series, comic, movie, franchise or anything else that falls within this category is good for consideration, so go ahead!

Keep in mind that, while the ultimate choice of the final 5 options will be mine to make, I will tend to favor the picks of people in Gold Rank first, then Silver, and finally Bronze (this does not means the Golds will get all 5 picks, mind you, but it DOES means that if I'm having trouble between two or more characters because I find them equally interesting, I'll pick the one coming from the higher rank).

*Insert Daft-Punk related meme pun here, probably something about "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". That sounds like the type of puns I'd usually make, yeah*

Fate out!!


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