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Wooooo boy! This one is... Ok, I'm not gonna lie.

It's weird. It's pretty weird... BUT THAT'S THE IDEA THIS TIME!!

Sorry for the delay, there were some stuffs that needed to be deal with keeping me back still a bit (not gonna bore you with the details, I know it gets tiresome, so fuck it >:D), but I THINK I finally managed to condense all your suggestions into five... Reeeeeeelatively balanced ones? I don't know, some are so out of left field, I'm not even sure if this one is balanced, guys... It's just...


The poll will remain open until Wednesday the 30th, 12:00 PM, and the winner with most votes between the Gold and Silver polls combined will get our new Patreon-selected full piece!

The final results of the combined votes from the Silver and Gold polls will be posted and the winner will be announced as soon as the deadline is met!

Cast your vote, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Google each candidate so you may have a better idea of what you're voting for (if you don't know one or some of the characters).

You already got your pick? I know I do... But I don't vote, so... LET THE WEIRDEST...EST...TEST ONE WIN!!!

Fate out!!


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