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This month's theme: EXOTIC TASTES!!

How about we go a bit more exotic this time? I mean... Granted, our last winner was a martian, of all things... (BTW, now that I'm feeling a bit better while recovering from COVID, I'm finally able to start working on Tyr'ahnee! Sorry for the big delay -.-)

BUT! I think we can get some really interesting picks with this one. The basic rule is as follows: The proposed characters can't be human... And while "technically" a character with just cat ears and tail (i.e.) is "nominally" non-human, or... I dunno, Superman isn't "technically" human... I'm going to favor those propositions which are a bit more exotic than that (unless you pick someone REALLY interesting to work with).

Any character from any series, comic, movie, franchise or anything else that falls within this category is good for consideration, so go ahead!

Keep in mind that, while the ultimate choice of the final 5 options will be mine to make, I will tend to favor the picks of people in Gold Rank first, then Silver, and finally Bronze (this does not means the Golds will get all 5 picks, mind you, but it DOES means that if I'm having trouble between two or more characters because I find them equally interesting, I'll pick the one coming from the higher rank).

Let's get weird... I mean, face it.

We all a buncha weirdos here. Yeah, I'm lookin' at you... Steve...

Fucking Steve, amirite?

Fate out!!



Mileena, Mortal Kombat Queen of Blades, Starcraft Farseer Taldeer/Macha, Howling Banshee (Exarch), Commander Shadowsun, Warhammer 40K R34’d Hive Tyrant, also Warhammer 40K Ch’thulu, Ch’thulu Tali, Liara, Mass Effect ...Do you know how fucking hard it is to think of named mainstream “female”characters that aren’t humanoid? Legit hoping you pick Ch’Thulu on this, or be nice and leave open a slot to design your (Fatelogic’s) very own betentacled horror waifu.

Justin Hammett

Queen Azshara , bonus points is that I'm referring to her naga form. El Shaddoll Construct, would be a neat cheat, since she's somewhat human by being a puppet. Mosquito girl, One punch's girl is a good one for a monster girl.