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Boy, I think I went a bit nuts with this one...

Call it a fun experiment on techniques I usually don't try to mess around with too much... You know how you always have a "mini-you" in your head holding you back? Mine is always going on with phrases like "Don't go that oversaturated" or "Don't use too sharp of a contrast, it won't look good" or "Play it safe and simple, you can fuck up if you unwind too much with such color or such brightness".

Well, this is the result of going "fuck you, mini-Fate. I'll do whatever the fuck I feel like today. Eat me".

... Does that makes any sense to you? IDK, I kinda went with it, don't ask.

Anyways, here's the new Aika 2.0 

 Every time I made a piece of her, I ended up adding one more tattoo, one more piercing... So in the end I just said "fuck it" and went full force down the path she eventually was gonna end up at anyways (you know, that punk-ish style, more removed from her original "tamer" one).


Fate out!

P.S.2.: Yes, I've played Deus Ex and watched Blade Runner in case you're wondering there's some of that feel going on here. Glad you noticed.



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