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So... You wanted me to tackle other artists' OCs, right...?

Well, here you have the first of the eight bodacious pics from the "Fatelogician" demographic, the lovely Nee Ikeda from 
Hopefuly, this will teach you not to take the name of the Fate in vain!! 

Heh, anyways, really enjoyed working on this one... I kind of built on the chromatic layer by layer as I mixed some old techniques with new ones I'm lately enjoying (for example, the inverse shading, working from the fully darkened layer and slowly erasing the highligthed areas for a more "natural" feel of light over the curves), and what'd you know, this is the lovely result... ENJOY!!

Tomorrow, I'm gonna start sketching the second pick from the audience, "Chloe" from , so... Heh, better kick back, cause this is going to be one loooong challenge 

By the way... Pantyless versions at DA ;D

Fate out!

P.S.: Help me not starve!!! : www.patreon.com/fatelogic



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