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"Trigger the alarm. Make your presence known."

"Now that's a Vault I pray I have the right key for..."

"This brings the concept of extraction to a whole new level."

I know, I know, I can be here all day... Besides, "Prime" has quite an specific meaning around this country, but... Yeah, let's keep it classy, amirite?

Anyways, BOOOOOY did I enjoy making this one up... I swear I was gonna leave it as a sketch, or a chromatic at best... BUT MY HAND WOULDN'T STOP!! (my drawing hand, you dirty minded apes, my drawing hand... Geez.)

At long last, I took a shot at the lovely face and voice guiding you through so many raids and extermination missions: The Lotus, from Warframe.

Also, I took many different approaches with this one, like making a closeup shot (which I NEVER do... dunno why, really), remained on the boundaries of the pulse sketch but shaped it like a full piece (a hybrid between my fully linearted pieces and my chromatics) and... well, just look at her design. I don't know who comes up with the art direction in Warframe, but I give them all the props there are to give.

Anyways, enjoy, people!


Fate out!

P.S.: Yes, I do play Warframe. I bet you'll never imagine what my nickname is... (sarcasm in abundancy)

P.S.2: Extra credit for those who get the title... Nerds.



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