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Just in case you were wondering what I'm planning to do with Nym after she won our last Twitter poll...

Well... She might have won the poll, but guess who's getting the prize...?

You lucky bastard, you ;D

In any case, I'm sketching the panels for a small, brief little comic-styled hentai strip with Nym, which would be a first for me, so excuse the expected delay in delivery. I'm working every day to push it through, and I'm already working on the 3rd page (this is the first one), so it shouldn't take THAT long either, but it will take longer than just a regular piece... I got no experience on comic design, so things may be a bit rough around the edges, but...

The world belongs to those willing to undertake new challenges!!

And look at those big challenges... Totally worth it ;D

Fate out!!



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