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So here's the deal... All the animations for "Lala's Microgame" are done, so now I'd like to show them to a select few in order to have them tell me what they think.

I just want to make sure everything is fine and dandy, and that I didn't lose objectivity after working on them for so long (sometimes, when you work on the same piece for way too long, you'll miss glaring problems that anyone with fresh eyes would notice in an instant), so I'll work on preparing a simple "flash file" with the clips to show them to the aforementioned "select few".

Now, in order to have a chance to participate in this "Beta viewing", anyone interested here in my Patreon has to leave a comment expressing so down below. I'll pick 3 or 4 at random from the list in order to get their feedback in a couple days (when the file is done).

Keep in mind:

1) The three or four viewers will be privately contacted to let them know they have a spot. If you're not selected, however, it's just because it was a random choice. I'll leave it up to a random raffle generator as soon as I have enough names to pick from. This has nothing to do with any particular selection process... I just need three or four random people to check the clips as to see if I missed anything or not.

2) If you apply, keep in mind that the file will come with a "Word" document attached to it. This document will present a couple questions that you'll be expected to answer after your observations (A questionnaire of sorts), so good diction is kinda required.

3) The clips will just be that. Clips. It's not the game, and they have no sound or music yet. I just want to check that the animations are good to use. This will not be the finished product.

Anywho, if you have any doubts or quesitons, please leave them down below.

I'm off to work some more!

Fate out!!


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