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Quickie update!

Second animation cycle done! (kinda. The animation itself is finished, I just didn't work on the... Fluids animation part yet. A minor detail I want to leave for after all cycles are done. I tend to make the big work first, then move onto polishing the last details later).

Now it's moving on to the third cycle, which shouldn't be as hard to work with like the second I just made (because it's basically a speed-up of the second cycle, with some adjustments, obviously), then the last one (which will probably be a bit of a bitch due to the... High amounts of... Fluids animation it will have to involve... Ehem), and THEN it will be all ready to move to the programming/sound design stuff, which is the last part of the progress!

Anywho, that's about it! I'm gonna rush back to the working board now!



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