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Well now, I was thinking of doing a full Mag Prime piece as an homage to my longest used Warframe (coupled with my most used gear, even though I don't use the Dethcube anymore)... Buuuuut just as I was getting finished with the general sketching, some pretty urging family issues blasted me in the face out of nowhere (It's ok though, everything was solved as neatly as possible. It was just a false alarm, so to speak) and I had to spend a couple days many miles away from home... So you can imagine, when I finally came back, the mood I was in at the begining totally shifted, and I decided it'd be wiser to just leave it as a doodle and move onto the next order of bussiness. (Even though I still plan on retaking the whole Warframe thing eventually. So much material to work with :D)


With that said, though... I did add a Clem to it, so I'll just sit here and wait for the money to rain all over my apartment. It's like adding a seal of approval from Jesus, but better.


I have no idea of what I'm saying at this point, sorry. I haven't slept well in four days :D

Mag Prime! Rack Prime!


Fate out!!

(BTW... Interesting weekly challenge coming up soon. I'll put up the details at a DeviantArt journal in a lil' bit, so if you wanna have a chance to snatch a spot, I'd keep my eye open in the next hour if I were you ;D)



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