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Full name: Alicia Rohitasva von Engel Age: 27 Blood type: O + Nationality: Hindu-German Place of birth: Bangalore, India Current residence: The independent city-state of Mysanthropos Known aliases: Dr. von Engel (academic); Prof. von Engel (academic); JacK-AC (online handle, phonetically read as "Hakase" in spanish, which literally means "Professor" in japanese); Hermit (online handle/street nickname); Bravo Subject (criminal codename given to her by the Continental Federative Union) Bio: http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/Alicia-von-Engel-s-Bio-519198173 (Link added as to avoid a clump of text... It's a bit lenghty, so check it out if you're really interested.) Personality: With an IQ marked in the range of the 295-315 points, she easily found her name at the top of the most brilliant minds of humanity's history, but she outright rejects that label because "measuring intelligence with numbers is like taking a photo of the Sistine Chapel with an old cellphone". Even though her intellect is way beyond normal limits, her social skills are rough at best ("I like my darlings as that gal likes her scientific fields… Hard rather than soft." - Nym, referring to Alicia's lack of abilities in the social aspect). This is probably due to her shut in personality, nuance that has only accentuated itself further after becoming a "traitor" to the Federation. She is a fast talker, especially when speaking about science related topics, and she finds the need to "simplify" her speech for the everyday Joe annoying, but she will go through the trouble nevertheless if in a good mood. Also, she's a bit on the paranoid side because of her fugitive status, and will spare no expenses to keep her lab and identity safe from "undesired attention". She has a severe sweet tooth, likes her coffee with milk and three spoonfuls of sugar ("Sugar is the prime fuel of the gray matter."), and has lately picked up the habit of drinking as a way to cope with the underlying guilt of being unintentionally responsible for the development of the sinthetic drug known as "Stigma". She has a soft spot for Amy Chang (like pretty much anyone else), often clashes with Leona for her "shoot first, ask later" policy, tends to overlook Nym's teasing (half because she owes her life to her, half because her innuendos go over her head), respects Aika's collected and serene personality, finds Sheryl's natural skills with informatics both respectable and somewhat exasperating, and surprisingly enjoys having Logan around (although that's probably because she sees him as a rather sturdy guinea pig). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whew... Anyways, as always, leave your comments, questions and whatnot down below! Enjoy! Fate out!!



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