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Alright! First Commission in a long damn while, starting with something simple like a sketch, but nice regardless :D

Nina, Cotton and Xian-He, from left to right, are three of  Drake-rex's characters I had to work on. Their original counterparts were in their lovely lolita-forms (which as we all know, DA loves so much *sarcasm intensifies*) so I was asked to sketch them as how I envisioned their adult selves would look like!

Which one do you fancy the most?





Oh damn did not knew you where doing commisions! Hope one day I could commision you to draw one of my OC

Marcus Aurelius

Excellent sketch. As far as preferences, I'm torn. While Cotton is an utter knock out, Xian-He has the sexiest outfit by far. Will we hopefully see a fully inked version of this commission on here eventually?


Well, the commissioner only requested a sketch, not a full piece, so now I'm moving onto the next commission on the list. Glad you enjoy it, though!