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The Original Sin's new project got it's new POV character all designed-up and good to go! (Might touch upon a few clothing details, maybe, but that's about it, most likely)

"Cammy" (Full Name: Camillia Robins) officially joins the Original Sin crew!

Fate out!!!

P.S.: (This is a comment for the Patreon-exclusive audience, but I got so much I wanna share with y'all about the project... I've been working on it a lot in between pieces, and... Ugh, I just wanna blast it out here, but I need to finish a few things and then decide how I want to show all of you the progress made. I'm talking programmed functionality, game loop design, novel flow... But you'll have to put up with my silence on that front for a bit longer. Just know: Even though you can't see it "yet", I've been working these last few months more than I have in years xD)




Woooo, weldome to the new member! :D

Not Shalltear

the choker and ear piercings are a perfect addon holy fuck, ooooh the things I'd do to her... ;)