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My work has been super hectic this month, but somehow I've still managed to be creative. FinFur Animus is approaching next week and I can't wait to fursuit and spend time with my friends! I also got a slot in the artshow, so I've been preparing for it a little bit even though most of my pieces there are older. Let me tell you a little about each piece!

1. Dobermann portrait (no official name yet, any suggestions?). This is an acrylic painting on canvas (68 x 42cm). I haven't painted on canvas in over a decade so I felt like everything was new to me. I kept making mistakes and repainted several parts again. I really had to keep repeating "trust the progress" in my head before I reached a decent result... Originally I had painted this piece when I was in high school, and instead of the dog there was a bald awkward looking man.. So I decided to make him look a bit better. ;) Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the original painting, but the background is as it was! The toughest part was matching my cheap paints with the ones I've used in art school years ago. This one will be available in the FFA art show.

2. Random dragon thing. I was supervising exams and forgot to bring my sketch pad I sketch TS on.. So it was time for a random scripple.

3. 100 pages celebration pic. Something fun to celebrate 100 pages and +250 patrons. :3c

4. Spanish galgo. This is our newest dog that's been with us for about 7 weeks now. He's extremely shy because he's been so mistreated in his life... He's afraid of everyone and everything, but we're slowly building trust and he has started to show his playful personality to us. Hopefully he'll also gain some weight soon. He usually sleeps like this.

5. Hypoxia. I found a very old sketch I've always wanted to finish. I hope to colour it with copic markers. If I find the time before FFA, it'll be available in the art show.

6. owo. Another random sketch from supervising exams.

7. FFA prep. Airam got some frames! I might try  to sell the two older pieces, I think I had them up in an art show years ago but they didn't sell then. Let's see, maybe if there's enough space..! ^^"

8. Oil lamp. This one I made almost 15 years ago! My mom brought it to me when they visited last summer. It's ceramic and has been glazed on the inside too so it can actually be used as an oil lamp. Little fat wolf howling fire. :P It'll be available on the artshow as well.

9. Speed test. A fun piece I was requested to draw for FFA! There used to be these speed test machines in many gas stations in Finland about 20 years ago, and I absolutely loved them. I've used the same poses for the characters from the actual machine, but naturally furrified them.  The layout is otherwise pretty close to the real thing!




Dobie is definitely named "Rusty" to me. Looks like an unassuming and genuinely chill bro. Plus the color composition with those few rusty splotches...*I* think it just works. ^^; Oh man...this T & A interaction reminds me of the social media post that sought to illustrate what typical men are thinking when giving and receiving a blowjob. Airam's all "this is amazing" while Tauski's very much all "...what do I do, pat his head? There's no way he's enjoying this..." -^.^- You know how much I love dog(gal)go. With much time and patience to provide agency and not seeking to ignore consent to speed progress, you're building a relationship that will end in unwavering loyalty and mutual happiness. <3 Other than that, all of this everything old is new to me, and it really shows how multifaceted your talents are, and the potential you have to produce slightly abstract and interpretive pieces that could honestly be the envy of any gallery exhibition. You've come a long way and show no signs of stopping. <3 <3


Thank you for the input! I like it, might name it that for the artshow~ Well, first times are first times... Can't have too high expectations! It takes a lot of time, but the tiniest expressions of trust he has given us bring me so much joy. The first time he wagged his tail at me made me cry, and two days ago he ate a treat from Korppu's hand (he's afraid of men so it's taking more time for him). I'm pretty sure he knows already that he's finally home, after 3 years at the shelter <3

Steve Foxx

I absolutely love these - especially the framed picture of Airam!