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Maybe I added too much stuff on this page, but I wanted to draw the next page a very specific way and didn't want to drag this on for too long either... Sooo, this is the result. :D

EDIT: Added one more panel line to the bottom to make it clearer to read. Thank you Thruster_Check for the idea!




Yes. Yes, you both are. :)


Took it right out of my mouth xD those dufuses. Also, the amount of text is great, because it plays into them both rambling a bit and paniking.


A story needs not only content, sympathetic characters and suspense - but also pace. One could have stretched this conversation to three pages. But that would have destroyed the intensity. Because from panel 3 on, you know where this conversation ends. After all, this conversation is more or less the "resolution" for the last weeks. Personally, I would have redesigned the fifth panel. Put the left speech bubbles between our friends to illustrate the distance. And made a separate panel out of the right speech bubbles. But pacing-wise, it's very good and there's no way I would have made it two pages.


This page makes me feel so happy T^T


I got lost on the last panel until I read it as all the left side first, then all the right, and it falls into chronological order. So this may sound a little nuts because I've never seen it done before, but I think if you just split that last panel into two right down the center, it would track and make perfect sense on the first read ... and maybe as well, it would illustrate the miscommunication between them. Anyway, it's so good to see they've gotten here. Thanks!


It's gonna be a three page month folks! Yes guys, now go for the kill!

Critter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-06 15:31:43 Aw, finally! <3 I recently read the whole thing from the beginning (been over four years!) and have to say I am more sympathetic to Airam's "Joker" antics. Not saying it was a good thing to do, just had a better feeling for his longing for a connection more than sexual. I can say I've been in that place at times and done some dumb things. If only they had turned out for me as well has they have for Airam... I had no problem with the last panel, it's not an uncommon way to organize a conversation, at least in the furry comics I've read.
2023-07-01 22:33:11 Aw, finally! <3 I recently read the whole thing from the beginning (been over four years!) and have to say I am more sympathetic to Airam's "Joker" antics. Not saying it was a good thing to do, just had a better feeling for his longing for a connection more than sexual. I can say I've been in that place at times and done some dumb things. If only they had turned out for me as well has they have for Airam... I had no problem with the last panel, it's not an uncommon way to organize a conversation, at least in the furry comics I've read.

Aw, finally! <3 I recently read the whole thing from the beginning (been over four years!) and have to say I am more sympathetic to Airam's "Joker" antics. Not saying it was a good thing to do, just had a better feeling for his longing for a connection more than sexual. I can say I've been in that place at times and done some dumb things. If only they had turned out for me as well has they have for Airam... I had no problem with the last panel, it's not an uncommon way to organize a conversation, at least in the furry comics I've read.


Happy pride!


Ahh, thank you for your feedback! I'm happy to hear it works pacing wise. I have never studied creating comics so I don't really even think about such things, I just do what feels right and from reading other comics. :'3 I might divide the last panel still, that's very good feedback. ^_^


Sorry about that! That's a very good idea, I might do that, it would make it more clear in which order to read too! :O


Thank you! I know a lot of people hated Airam because his actions weren't explained right away. I guess we've all been there, doing or saying stupid things.. :s I've seen it done too in many comics I read, but I get why it can be confusing too. ^^"


I think the confusion comes from our habit of reading text: our eyes find the top left corner of the page and read to the top right, then jump down to the next line. I recognized I was actually doing that the first time, which threw me off. Dividing the panel just turns it into the equivalent of a two-column text page. If you have the time, you might look at _Type & Layout_, by Colin Wheildon. It's primarily aimed at the production of single-page or two-page magazine advertisements, but I think those have a lot in common with comic layouts.