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I'm down with a terrible flu, I've been having a fever of 38-39 degrees celsius for two days now... Nonetheless I managed to sketch out this patron sketch reward when I was feeling a bit better in the morning! Drawn with my new tablet, I'm still testing out the tools ClipStudio has to offer.

I'll do my best to get two pages of Tauski out this month, but I'll have to see how it goes.. I wanted to finish the next page this weekend but I haven't been able to sit in front of the computer at all... And from next week on the courses I teach will almost double, so that means I'll have to use some of my freetime I'd otherwise use on the comic for planning and grading. x__x Well, I have a day off tomorrow so let's hope I'm feeling better and can finish page 77 - it only needs shading and colours for the backgrounds!



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