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A huge sketch dump from last March. I had planned to colour all of these, but time was my enemy and and I never got that far. I still wanted to share these odd creatures with you that were born after this year's prompt list.

Day 6, Slow Loris-Owl: It was obvious this creature would have big eyes that would help it to see prey in the dark. It hunts small insects which it catches with its sharp beak.

Day 7, Anteater-Blue-Jay: These are huge colourful birds that have long beaks and even longer tongues which are perfect for feeding on ants. These birds can fly, but they're not very agile due to their heavy bodies.

Day 8, Anglerfish-Horse: This one is probably my personal favourite among these mash-ups! These horses are adapted to surviving the Arctic polar nights. In the darkness, its luminescent antennae-like appendage lures in small prey like birds and rodents, which helps it survive the merciless winter months of the north. During summer it grazes just like normal horses.

Day 9, Axolotl-Moth: I wasn't feeling very creative with this one, so it's just an axolotl with wings.

Day 10, Bird-Mouse: These small creatures are common subtenants in houses in winter. They live in atticks and are regular visitors at bird-feeders.

Day 11, Caterpillar-Komodo Dragon: I love komodo dragons, but it was difficult to combine them with caterpillars.. So was born a caterpillar that disguises as a komodo dragon to scare away predators.

Day 12, Iguana-Black Widow: I can't really say much about this one, other than that I'm sure they're poisonous.

Day 13, Hippo-Butterfly: I had no inspiration at all with this one, and I definitely didn't want to draw a hippo with wings because that wouldn't make any sense... So here's just a hippo drawn from my memory with some butterflies. :D

Day 14, Scorpion-Scorpion Fish: These fish don't swim. instead they crawl at the bottom of the ocean in search of food. They feed on smaller fish, and fiercly protect themselves against any threats  with a poisonous hook that has replaced the caudal fin. 

Day 15, Centipede-Shark: This is another one of my favourites, although they're quite sad creatures. Ever heard of a shark fin soup? Well, this delicasy is the reason these animals exist. Selectively bred by humans, these sharks typically sport 14-20 pairs of pectoral fins. They're not very good swimmers, and they can only be found in enclosed fish cages in China. They're only bred for the fins, and they're the only parts used of these serpentine-like creatures.

Day 16: I had actually missed this day! :D

Day 17, Giraffe-Praying Mantis: I'm not very good at drawing bugs, but here's a praying mantis with a long neck.

Day 18, Stag Beetle-Porcupine: These creatures use their huge tusks to intimidate predators, and males use them when they fight for females. The females carry their pups on their back.

So, these were the rest of the sketches I managed to draw last March! Which one of them was your favourite? You can find the rest of them here: https://www.patreon.com/gaikotsu/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=march%20mashup



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