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This is what my year has been in art! For the first time in years I feel like I've actually improved because I've been trying out so many new things (and it's the first year in years that I can actually make a summary of art...!).

First of all, I got myself a new tablet, Huion Kamvas, and it definitely made digital art more fun and faster as well. Before it had felt like.. well, a lot of work.

Secondly, I started drawing a comic again! Drawing comics was something that inspired me to improve as an artist some 15 years ago, and I had multiple projects going on then. Now I'm a bit wiser and I've realised I should concentrate on one project at a time, and also write a script! The comic has provided me so many chances to learn, from drawing different expressions and poses to drawing backgrounds and things I've hated drawing. It has definitely helped me the most to develop during this year, and I realized that I also missed drawing comics a lot. I'm so happy I can share my characters' story with you through pictures!

Thirdly, I started Patreon. On top of it being a financial support, most of all it has been a huge motivator. I can't even put it to words how much it means that someone is willing to pay $1 or even more a month to read my comic and see my other creations. It's simply hard for me to believe or understand why someone would do that, and it makes me happy and grateful. And most importantly it makes me feel like my comic actually has an audience, and that makes me feel so motivated to continue working on it. I wouldn't have the energy to create such a big project just for myself!
With Patreon I also got some awesome supporters who get monthly sketches. This has helped me to improve more than I thought! I've gotten to draw different species, characters, poses and situations. To be honest I hadn't even sketched that frequently in several years, I had lost my touch, and sketching something more than just a floating dog head felt like work. Now I notice myself sketching pages of TS so much faster because it feels natural and, first and foremost, fun.

Finally, I participated in InkTober for the first time. I had to create sketches from prompt words, which was difficult, and I only used inks, so there was no chance to erase my mistakes. I used a lot of references to draw poses, clothes or species I'm not familiar with. It wasn't easy, but once again I learned a lot and fell in love with drawing even more.

All in all, this year I've found joy in drawing again, and I feel so good about where my art is going right now. Huge thanks to patrons, commissioners, and everyone who has commented on my work or read TS <3



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