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InkTober, Day 21, Treasure: I decided to draw one of the most precious things in my life, and that's my dog Olia <3

InkTober, Day 22, Ghost: Just before I got around to drawing this piece I discussed the scary painting of a man in Ghostbusters... So what would have been more fitting for the prompt word "Ghost" than a furry alteration of the painting in question? It was fun to draw the outfit! The weird line on the right side of the head was caused by a michievous attack with a dog toy.

InkTober, Day 23, Ancient: Linny's sabertooth character was more than fitting for this word!

InkTober, Day 24, Dizzy: When I read the word I started to think about the last time I was dizzy... And that was at boxing training. You should keep your hands up! :D

InkTober, Day 25, Tasty: This prompt word was for Istences, and I had soooo many ideas for it from the most innocent to something less innocent. When I decided on this angle I had a slightly different situation in my mind, but I couldn't make it work out directly with ink. So here it is altered. ;P



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