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Hi there! I'm terribly sorry for the lack of updates in October. The move, convention, work and being away from home took their tolld and in the end I didn't have enough energy to even switch on my PC. Things are looking better now though, I teach only three courses until the end of the year!

So what's coming in November?
- I'll finish InkTober. This means all patrons will get their InkTober sketches. If you haven't claimed your prompt word yet and would like to get a sketch from me, see how to get yours here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/inktober-art-for-30329944
- Fursuit commission progress photos
- Patron sketches
- New page(s) of Tauski's Story!

Anyway, to turn to InkTober here are days 6-10 with little explanation of my thought process behind the pictures. Enjoy!

InkTober, day 6, Husky: First I thought I'll just draw a husky, or Gaikotsu as a husky... But somehow I ended up drawing Gaikotsu with a husky harness? Oops... :--D

InkTober, day 7, Enchanted: This day I didn't really draw myself, as I was the canvas! I and the incredibly talented SuvInk (check out her work!  https://www.instagram.com/suvink_tattoo/) came up with this awesome lineart for my new tattoo. It's a continued piece, as I already have a koi fish tattoo on my calf. The koi fish has been a symbol of my determination and achievements, but now I have reached a new stage in my life and it was time for the koi fish to do the same. So, as the legend goes, the koi fish swims to the top of the waterfall and turns into a dragon! This piece will take forever to tattoo, but it looks fantastic already! And okay, a cheat day for me art-wise, but I believe that the 8 hours of pain and suffering make up for that..

InkTober, day 8, Frail: This was our doorsign at FinFur Animus, whose theme was Finnish folklore and the national epic. I noticed many people copying famous Finnish artwork and turning them into hilarious doorsigns, so I jumped on the bandwagon. I copied Hugo Simberg's "The Wounded Angel" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wounded_Angel#/media/File:The_Wounded_Angel_-_Hugo_Simberg.jpg). We both volunteer in the convention's security team, so this was rather fitting... The dragon represents a random attendee who has drank a little bit too much. :P Sadly I didn't have much time to draw this, and I only had the worn out crayons to colour with at work.

InkTober, day 9, Swing: I don't really have much to say about this piece. I got this image in my head and I couldn't get around it. I blame PCD for this.

InkTober, day 10, Pattern: I got inspired by the plans to draw a thousand scales on my dragon tattoo, so I decided to draw a snake and work really hard on the scales. In reality I got tired of the scales rather quickly, but managed to finish the drawing anyway.



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