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Well this page took it's sweet time..! And I'm not happy with the background at all, but I can live with it... Why, oh why, did I write March on Tauski's calendar on the first page? The park looks so dull and gray now. :D
Anyway, meet.. erhm.. Maria? :P

The real reason for the delayed update is that I got a job in a town 150km away with less than 24h warning time... So I just drove over to that town without any idea of accomodation and I've been sleeping here and there for a bit over a week now. Now I'm staying three weeks in a nice cottage by a lake, so I could bring my pc with me, set it up and continue drawing. I still can't look for a proper apartment here though because I won't know if the job continues or not until the end of the month, uuugh! But I'll try to deliver at least some sketches to you in the mean time. ;)



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