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Tauski's nose is going to hurt tomorrow xD
Two more pages left of this chapter!

Edit: fixed a typo :3




This extreme wholesome cuteness is exactly the balm for the soul I've been needing lately. HNNNNG I love it so much. <333 This is easily the cutest page yet!


I found this on e6, I’ve been on a binge with cute furry comics. This is definitely up there along with the intern and the weekend!!! Not nearly as popular which makes me sad because this is SOOO GOOOD!!!!!!! Gaikotsu keep up the beautiful work!!!


Chuffed to hear you came from e621, as I do the uploading and marketing there. And thank you for the kind words...we both think that it's gotten way more popular than we ever dreamt, but it means a lot that you think it should be in everyone's reading list! To think I originally had to pull Gai's arm to get her to start crowdfunding, and her "dreaming big" was 100 patrons (I don't know how many we have now, but it's a *lot* more than that).