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Hey guys, how are you all doing? I hope you've all been well!

I just wanted to take some time before the year ends to talk about some things Patreon-related! Some good, some bad, but all to make your experience more comfortable, as well as mine.

First, let's talk about my comics!

As you all know, I'm currently working on my BNA comic! The script is all written down, and you can expect about 10 pages of length, as well as 3 bonus images! I also plan on making a kindle document for it, so you can read it on any portable device you want ^^

Updates have been a bit slower than usual, but I'm doing it with a lot of care and precision to maintain quality, I hope you all can wait a bit and see what I have in store! Next year, I'll also be returning to Red Blossom and Winter Snow, as well as a few other short comics from time to time, so stay tuned~

Second, the bad news part. Let's talk about the meister tier, and sketch rewards.

Every month I gotta do 3 cellshaded pics, 4 flat colours, and up until now, about 10-15 skecthes per month. Those do provide me with some nice income that's been helping me a lot in life, but they are also a LOT of work. 

I've always tried to balance my time so I can produce my own original content, and also give out rewards for my backers, and sometimes I just can't find the time to do it, they become late, pile up, and it's not a good thing for neither me or you all. So after a lot of thinking and consideration, I've decided to maintain most tiers intact, but I'm terminating all sketch rewards starting January 2022.

I really wanted to keep trying to do it, and take you guy's requests, but unfortunately sketches have been the most difficult part of planning, and they're not a product I've ever managed well. I feel like what I'm doing is unfair, and this will be best for everyone. Anyone who still hasn't asked for their rewards for the month, please do so, and don't worry about the late ones, I'll do my best to catch up to them, but starting next year, I won't be taking new ones.

I hope you can undertand that, and know that I'm very thankful for everything so far!

My new plan is to open one more slot on my queensguard tier, and do commissions outside patreon from time to time.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about a time off for myself!

I've been working for a year straight, and I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out on some things. I've been thinking about it, and it's time I take some days off. However, I'll leave that for FEBRUARY.

My plan is to do January normally, prepare a few things for the next month, and when february comer around, I'd freeze all payments, take the month off, and be back on march! I'll think more on it tho, and give you all an official update on january!

Other than that, I wish you all a merry christmas, stay safe, and I hope you like what I have in store!

Thank you, 




I hope that this will definitely help you out more on time and so that you don't overwork yourself, Gwen. Whatever works out, I'll support you all the way. And definitely do take February off if you need to take a breather. You deserve some time off.

Sir Jackal

Working nonstop isn't healthy i found out the hard way. Everyone deserves a break.