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Hey guys! This is gonna be a bit of a long one, so I'll divide it into sessions so you can read whatever subject you think impacts you directly!

Thank you for your attention nonetheless! :>

1- Personal life status

So, as most of you know, I in the process of moving to a new apartment with my girlfriend Sam, and a friend of ours. My month of november has been pretty much dedicated to that and solving issues that came with it. It's all going nicely so far, and I'm happy to announce that I'll be moving in for good on this first week of december ^^

After that, everything should calm down a bit.

2- General Patreon Updates

For the big reason listed above, I haven't had much time to work on many updates, even had to take a quick 1-week break before releasing the latest Animacity page. I've shared with you guys a work routine that I've been trying since september, and even though it is a good routine, I feel like I'm getting a bit burnt out, and fear it might affect the quality of my work.

That being said, I'm gonna revert the comic updates to ONCE A WEEK again, updates being released on fridays, starting next week. I do this not out of laziness or anything, I just wanna keep everything at a minimum standard of quality, and also avoid putting too much stress on myself. In the future I might go back to twice a week updates, if things are running smoothly.

3- October/November rewards

So, because of me moving out, which was a bit sudden (I expected it to happen on december/january), I ended up delaying a few of your rewards. Don't worry as you will be getting those for sure, I have not forgotten them!  I just ask for a liiittle bit of your patience so I can get back into my regular routine!

Some of you have already contacted me about the NOVEMBER rewards, as per usual. Even though I'd like to send messages to all of you asking for those, I am unfortunately very very busy and just can't find the time...

So I ask kindly that if you wanna CLAIM your reward for this month, please send me a DM here on patreon or over on discord, with information on what you want! Sorry for being a bit inpersonal.

Other than that, everything goes as planned! New page of Animacity is coming out tomorrow, and on fridays after that!

I hope you're all feeling well and taking care of yourselves! Thank you very much for all your support, and I'll you next update ^^



Glad to hear that everything is going well with your move. You got this, Gwen, just don't go overboard on your art. ^^