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A new version of ManCandy Crush is here!

42 characters total!
Four new ones in this update!

Two in Auris.
And two in the Nexus. We get a new character by Kirogami.

The other news is that I added a new mode in the game, since some people suffer the match-3 mode:

You can change the game mode in the Options menu and you can also disable the mobile UI overlay:

Tetromino keyboard commands:

  • Left and Right arrows ( ⬅➡ ) - Move tetromino around.
  • Up arrow (⬆) - Rotates the tetromino.
  • Down arrow (⬇) - Makes the piece fall faster.
  • Space bar - Hard drops the piece.
  • Z and 1 keys - Swap the piece.

One of the new characters is Duncan (from Quest for Adventure) comes from the Patreon exclusive poll, which I will be opening again in a few weeks as usual.
Please feel free to let me know if there are any characters I have made that you want.

I hope you all like the new characters and features.





Thank you for the hard work ! It's always a joy to know there's new stuff !