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A new poll for ManCandy!
(This means the Telegram Stickers are updated).

1.- Sean, the main character from Mountain Town, a regular guy, stuck in a small town for the day, looking for fun things to do.

2.- Kevin. He is just a regular guy that loves to hit the gym in Magical Battler.

3.- Duncan, the tavern owner in Quest for Adventure, he is a retired adventurer and just wants his nephew to be safe. 

4.- Phil, our poor librarian that has to put up with our Magical Battler's crazy adventures where people just go around getting naked around him.

5.- Harry. He is a character I designed for something that I haven't had the chance to finish. Hopefully it will happen some day, but I like his design, so he is here.

6.- Ethan the Mechanic comes from Rest Stop, and has already one cameo in Mountain Town. He is down to party and just wants to have some fun between jobs.

Please vote.
And as usual suggest any of my characters that you'd like to see!
Also suggest if you'd like to see something in particular.


P.S. The next Magical Battler chapter is almost there. Once I make sure the bugs are ironed out I'll be making a post.



Hmmm Duncan... I remember peeking when he was showering...


Noooo Ethan is going to lose ... again 😭😭