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This one is old, and not a game per se, and more of a setting that I never got around to use.

A rocket test pilot lost in space, Biff fights the evil Emperor of the galaxy.
Along the way he helps out different leaders from other factions and makes more friends.

Biff Johnson

Our hero.
He wants to go back home, but at the same time he is willing to sacrifice his life to help everyone in the galaxy.
The idea was for him to be a pulp hero. Ready for action and ready for action.
Always willing to help a guy in distress and a fierce lover.

The Emperor

The evil ruler of the galaxy.
He wants to control everything, and turn Biff into his own personal sex toy.
Ruthless and mean, the Emperor controls every planet and forces all their people to do his bidding.
Basically he is the big bad guy.

Flying Ape

King of the Gorilla-Men he is in charge of the flying militia of the Emperor.
Biff always defeats him, but he keeps on trying.
Some think he is a bit obsessed with Biff, and on more than one occasion they have been intimate.
Whether the wings are part of the harness or his body was never decided.

The Pirate King

Leader of the underworld. The Pirate King is not one to be trusted.
He does have a soft spot for Biff, and they have been intimate a lot, but his main goal is profit.
His mechanical arm can change to different shapes, and his leg is a laser canon.
A friend actually made a statue of him.

The Merman King

Leader of the deep seas. Works for the emperor to protect his people.
I never got around deciding his role on the story.

Beetle Lord

A mysterious figure. His name is a complete placeholder.
Most people believe his armor is part of his body, but it's not.
He fights against the Emperor but no one knows his identity.

And that's it.
Here are a couple of pictures of the Pirate King statue:

This is a setting I'd like to visit sometime, but I'd have to find the right story and the right media for it.

I hope you liked this.




Oh! All this looks amazing!