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This is more of a quick concept rather than an actual game I planned. I drew that sketch because I had this idea of an Animal Crossing spoof game where you get to meet the other villagers in the new town you moved to.

There is no real plan to it. I just thought this could be a fun idea.
This is why I never thought of a story other than cute animal villagers.

If I ever were to write something like this, I'd mostly be torn about it being a darker version of the game where you are the only human surrounded by dangerous animals, or embrace the silly and light heart nature of the source and make it a silly feel good game where the villagers just happen to be horny.

You can tell this by the fact that I did a cute peaceful looking piggy and an innocent looking villager, but as I did the other characters, they all started to look more and more shady.


Here are two designs that I also did.

The bunny was a joke, but the koala was meant to be a nerd called Vanilla, but in the end I did not like the design.

I did some more art of the characters, because sketching is something I sometimes do to relax.


Our main character. I thought it would be fun to have him wear a shirt with a zero, since the numbered shirt is a classic.

Also, the square nose, because I like it.


Our island merchant and maybe loan shark.
I wanted him to look shady. For some reason the idea of a red panda looking mean and a bit dangerous.

His full name is Rocky Road.


Big and cuddly and a bit lazy Mint is a laid back piggy.

The first one I drew, and the one that made me decide to give them all names related to food.


An off-pink hamster. I always find it funny how people associate pink with feminine things, so I tend to enjoy the idea of making manly pink guys, or have them wear pink.
In this case, berry likes to wear his biker jacket and he is probably a bit of a rebel. 



And the last one is Lemon. The jock of the group.
A big strong gorilla that loves to workout.
Just like with the others, I only have a vague idea of who he is.

Unlike other projects I have abandoned, this one is more like a project I never considered seriously at all.

It would be a fun idea to do, but one I sadly don't have the time for.

I hope you guys enjoyed a peek into what I do when I have some free time.




Your art is always incredible!!


Might be biased because I love you and all you do but man id love this a lot