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 Hello everyone!

Here is the first patreon build of the game: 


(Updated to latest build link)

Please keep in mind the following notes (especially important for mobile users).


The game can be played with:


Use arrows to move and enter to interact. 
Escape will open the menu and cancel.


Click where you want the character to go or what you want to interact with.
Use the other mouse button to open the menu and for cancelling.  
Note: Menus are enhanced for keyboard, so clicking an option will highlight first.  If the option is highlighted, clicking it will select it.


The game should support a gamepad in Chrome browser at least.   
The A button will interact and accept.  The Y button will open the menu.  
The B button will cancel.

For mobile:

Just touch where you want the character to go and what you want to interact with.  
: Touch with TWO fingers to open the menu and cancel.  

Notes: Touching a menu item will highlight it.  If the item is already highlighted, touching it again will select it.
You might also want to set the phone in landscape mode and go to the games options and pick fullscreen.



Some sections of the maps are far from final.  I am working on them constantly, so changes might happen between versions.


There is a diary in the bedroom that can be used to save your progress.

The reason why the game won't let you save anywhere is that I might change things in maps as development goes on, and we don't want people to lose their advancement because of this. 
In theory the saves will work fine as the versions of the game advance.
  Since I am trying to code in a way that I am only adding and not modifying things. 
This is a work in progress so I can't guarantee this will be the case one hundred percent. Sorry in advance if at some point I have to break compatibility.

I hope you all enjoy the demo.

Please let me know what do you think of it.

Tons of hugs CæsarCub-

PS: If you find it a bit hard, there are some chocolates hidden in the dungeon to make things easier.





God I adore your work and dedication thank you for everything you do and go out of your way for. I'm always greeted with a heavy boner whenever you make or post something


Thank you so much for the nice words. I really hope you enjoy the game ^_^


I really like the direction the game is taking right now! I find it kinda funny that the friend buys lube while you‘re around, a bit suspicious :D Stay safe in the meantime!


Thanks. Lube is an essential need. You always gotta make sure to have some.


Cute and sexy at the same time <3 can't wait to see how the finished version turns out! Thank you very much for this demo :) stay safe and keep creating awesome stuff like that when you get the chance :D

Rob Colton

The little piggy is so cute I can’t stand it 🥰


This is so wonderful! You are honestly one of my favorite game devs out there! Please keep working on this❤❤❤

Tyler Gardner

That was adorable and great. You put alot of effort and care into your work and it shows, it's always been this crazy perfect mix of nostalgia, unique, and horny!


Nice one, keep up the good work. A shopkeeper called Bernie? Is that a reference to Lustful Desires?