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Hello everyone.

I hope you all are doing well in these weird times.

My country entered a complete lock down about a week ago (before that we only had recommendations for being isolated) and it looks like it will extend for several more weeks.

Due to the nature of my day job (I work developing web pages for corporations) my work routine not only kept its usual rhythm but things have become more hectic. Clients with unreasonable deadlines and the like.

Honestly, between the stress from work and the stress from the news and the lock down and all that I haven't had enough time to advance the game as much as I wanted to.

So I decided to pause the billing this month.

I really appreciate the effort everyone makes to chip in on this, so I always want to make sure the things I deliver have some quality.

I hope all of you are doing fine in these trying times.

Please be safe and take care of your loved ones.


PS: Wash your hands.