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Small Haven Poll.

  • Ignore the character skin and show the sex scene (he turns into human/bear/whatever for the sex scene alone). 84
  • You can only access the scenes with the right skin (i.e. enemies will only have a sex scene if you pick the right skin). 15
  • 2024-06-16
  • —2024-06-21
  • 99 votes
{'title': 'Small Haven Poll.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ignore the character skin and show the sex scene (he turns into human/bear/whatever for the sex scene alone).', 'votes': 84}, {'text': 'You can only access the scenes with the right skin (i.e. enemies will only have a sex scene if you pick the right skin).', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 21, 18, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 16, 18, 2, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 99}


I'm working on content for Haven and I wanted your opinion on something.


I wanted to add more skins for the main character, so there is more variety, and allow more variety in looks depending on the worlds. (for example, being a different animal in Hornwort, or a non-human in Kernel).

The problem is:

I can't make variants for ever sex scene.
This means I have two options and I wanted your opinion on which one you'd prefer.

Either lock the sex scenes for a certain skin to only show when the skin is selected, or ignore that completely, and we all assume the main character is changing to the skin he thinks his partner prefers.

The game already shows the dating scenes for Dario and Caleb with a human/bear skin regardless of the one you are using, but this is going to become more glaring if I start adding more skins.

Note: If the story demands you use a certain skin to unlock some scene, this means you will need to have that skin available, even if you are not wearing it.

I hope everyone is enjoying the game so far.

Also, skin suggestions are welcome (there are technical limitations, because I can't alter the equipment to fit something too different, so I might not be able to add everything we would want).



For the sake of sanity. I'd just do the first option, cause making a new scene for every skin would be hell for one person if you plan to add more


The original plan was to let people also pick/change the body type, but when I did the math on how much work was going to make every outfit fit, and every scene... I decided it was best to limit the character customization. -_-

Miles Stranger

I just hope there will be more skins in the future. Maybe the skins can offer special powers and abilities.

Jesus Gutierrez

Hola guapo!lo que decidas bien decidido estará,no lo compliques en exceso pues,al menos yo,no somos jugadores expertos,un abrazo desde España

Eric lutz

I know you’re working on Haven. Just curious about the last story MB update.


Not as good as I'd like it to. My day job has been really punishing as of late, so I'm focusing my free time on Haven for several reasons (me finding it less stressful at the moment). I am not abandoning MB, but it is going to take longer than I anticipated. I haven't posted an update on it, because I want to have something to show when I do it.