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Hello! I'm behind on content commitments for January as it was not a great month for me mental health wise. Everything is A-okay and I'm feeling better, I was just very very sluggish at the beginning of the month. So I'm pausing payments for february and will be uploading things as I finish them. I'll likely be posting them on twitter as well so those that dropped at the end of the month can still see it. 

I'll be back in March, but I am considering restructuring certain elements of my content here. I still want this to be mostly NSFW art, I may just simplify the content and do mostly sketches. The price would be reduced as well to compensate. Also considering going down to one commission tier and making it a painting instead, as I render quicker than I compose. 

Since I'm working full time now and drawing a LOT there I'm feeling a little blocked when I get time to do patreon stuff. I'll be taking February to think it over and will message here and post on twitter if I DO decide to change things. Thank you for your support, as always <3

Lastly, if you have any comments/suggestions/preferences/feelings about me shifting my content please feel free to comment! I really value everyone's opinions here <3



K Cole

Glad you’re feeling better, take your time in deciding what’s right for you and your schedule! Not sure what a good suggestion would be, but will be here regardless of what you choose to you tier wise 💚