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Tea drinking is not universal amongst Brits.

Featuring ACA 



Angel Eyes

This is great 😄


Love it!!! Ur expressions are some of the best S1m

Lord Chaos

Not a big tea drinker myself but I do like a good strong Russian caravan tea.


I wonder if there's such thing as sparkling tea 🤔 When I went to Europe a few months ago, apparently, people like sparkling water a lot. Like sparkling water isn't a thing where I live so it was new to me, Also, love the additional details on your sona 🙃


Hee! Not really a fan of tea myself either, but glad to see that his anteater friend likes it.

A Weary Kobold

lmao I have that exact same face every time someone hands me tea

s1m (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 21:42:03 Haha! Nice :>
2022-09-16 21:53:14 Haha! Nice :>

Haha! Nice :>