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One of the nagging issues in the vampire route that many of you had rightly mentioned in the recent satisfaction survey was the tedium of increasing your Pet’s bond level. This week, I attempted to patch that issue, and here is what I’ve come up with. Now whenever your Pet notifies that they wish to speak with you, you’ll be asked if you would like to quickly warp back and view the conversation. Afterward, you’ll be returned to the spot you were previously in.

I was hesitant to add this initially, since warping at certain points may not make sense. But I feel the convenience of this feature outweighs the negatives. Also, since this prompt can appear in many different locations and situations where warping may create a conflict, I’ve set it to autosave before being asked to warp in case an issue occurs. The player can then reload and choose not to warp instead. Messy, but necessary.

In other news, the construction of the new Fallholt continues! I wanted to restore some features that were until now, only available in the main route. Armour customization will be available upon reaching chapter 3, finally giving your gems their additional use. Also returning will be an option to purchase and use Serenity, with all the benefits and consequences that come with it. Not that there were any real benefits to using it… until now.

While using the drug, Mila’s attack and agility will now temporarily increase by about 40%. Pretty significant if you stack it with other buffs. Although the consequences of using it are great, as I’m sure you all know…

This is also a great time to mention that more of your actions in the main route will affect the vampire route. For example, if you never accept the Tragic Bride quest in the main route, your Serenity dealer will turn out to be a familiar face…

That’s just one example of the small changes your actions in the main route can affect! That being said, I needed to update the artworks for the Serenity ending and all of my $5 and up Patrons can check them out now.

That’s all I have to share with you this week. Until next time, everyone!


Hero of None

Will there also be a chance to lose your pet's bond level with certain actions? things like taking serenity, running from fights, etc. when they are in your party?