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I’m back! I hope any fellow Americans had a restful Thanksgiving weekend. Rest is mainly what I had been doing this week, as I came home with a pretty bad flu. It’s been nothing but wheezy coughs for me and my throat is pretty sick of it. Thankfully, I’m still able to do shopping from the comfort of my bed and I picked up a basic android tablet on the cheap to finally try out Crimson Veil’s android port for myself. Big shoutout to the66 for making the Android port. Playing my game on a handheld, in the comfort of my bed totally changes the experience for me.

This is the first time I am playing the main route from start to finish without skipping over anything. Playing the game while divorced from my pc to make on the fly changes allows me to enjoy the game for what it is, flaws and all. I don’t want to toot my own horn too much, but so far, it's been hard to put down. I’m really proud of what I have been able to do with this game and it fills me with joy that I was able to get it done at all. Once again, thanks so much to the66 for bringing us this port and allowing me to enjoy my game in this way.

Anyway, enough gloating… Despite feeling sick, I did make progress on the game this week, with some sketches. Here are two illustrations depicting some optional characters that can be found in the next update. A Wight, and a woman covered in bites.

What’s the context behind the inclusion of these two? Well they can both be found within a new area found within Fallholt which I will get into next week. I’m curious to hear your predictions about them. Maybe your thoughts align with mine… or not!

That’s all I have to share with you this week. Until next week, everyone!


gr8 trex

Hope you feel better soon